In keeping with its tradition of personalized service, Inventure provides Customized Equity Advisory to clients based on their profile. Equity Research is an inherent strength of Inventure. Converting that research to advice is the main function of our relationship managers. Investors are presented with well researched opportunities in companies which will grow in both market perceived value and growth. Along side, the trading fraternity is catered to with ideas induced by Technical analysis and news flow analysis. The investment ideas identified by the research team are presented and communicated with conviction to our clients by our relationship managers.
Inventure provides lots of flexibility in system to cater to client’s specific day to day requirements. Our relationship manager just doesn’t stop at advising and executing the trades efficiently but also ensure that your trades are settled and stocks credited timely in your Demat account. This allows us to give you a convenient single window service and your Relationship Manager becomes the single point contact for all equities related matters.